As a signatory to the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI), CI Global Asset Management believes that responsible investing plays a role in achieving the best possible risk-adjusted returns for our funds.
CI Global Asset Management has a formal Responsible Investment Policy that addresses the integration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into the investment decision-making process. While CI Global Asset Management does not normally exclude specific sectors or companies from investment, there is an exception. In recognition of the prohibitions contained within the United Nations Anti-Personnel Landmines Convention and the United Nations Convention on Cluster Munitions, CI Global Asset Management will not knowingly directly invest in companies associated with the production, use or distribution of such weapons. This restriction applies to all actively managed funds where CI Global Asset Management directly controls the investment strategy of the fund, including those that are sub-advised.
Today, approximately 70% of CI Global Asset Management’ assets under management are now covered by our Responsible Investment Policy.
The Responsible Investment Association (RIA) is Canada’s membership association for responsible investment. RIA members believe that the integration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into the selection and management of investments can provide superior risk-adjusted returns while contributing to positive societal change.